The LAnguages, Machines & Brains Lab (LAMB) is directed by Dr. Jixing Li. Our lab's research intersects the multidisciplinary fields of Linguistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Cognitive Neuroscience. We are always looking for motivated graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, research assistants and visiting scholars to join our team.

Positions available: Currently recruiting PhD students, with a strong preference for those with a solid programming background or experience in neuroimaging (fMRI/MEG/EEG) data analysis. If interested, please email


Aug 26-29, 2024

The 23rd International Conference on Biomagnetism (BIOMEG)

Dr. Li gave two talks titled "Semantic composition in experimental and naturalistic paradigms" and "Neural tracking of bottom-up and top-down processes in speech comprehension" at BIOMEG 2024 Sydney, Australia.

Click and find the conference details below:

Talk 1, Talk 2

Aug 11-16, 2024

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Changjiang and Dr. Li gave a poster presentation titled "Measuring Meaning Composition in the Human Brain with Composition Scores from Large Language Models" in Bangkok, Thailand.

Clike here to see the paper!

Aug 11-16, 2024

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Met friends at ACL 👆

Dr. Li gave a tutorial titled "Computational Linguistics for Brain Encoding and Decoding: Principles, Practices and Beyond" at ACL 2024, Bangkok, Thailand.

Click and find the tutorial abstract here.

Aug 3-9, 2024

The 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

Dr. Li gave a tutorial titled "Brain Encoding and Decoding with Deep Neural Networks: Methods, Applications, and Future Directions" at IJCAI 2024 Jeju Island, South Korea.

Click and find the tutorial abstract here.

May 6-7, 2024

Third Brain Research Cluster Symposium: AI, Speech, and Language Sciences

LAMB is hosting the 3rd CityU Brain Research Cluster Symposium!

This interdisciplinary event brings together scholars from Linguistics, Psychology, and Computer Science.

Click and find the poster and detailed schedule.

Oct 24-26, 2023

Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL) 15th Annual Meeting

Changjiang gave a poster presentation titled "Impact of model size and fine-tuning techniques on LLMs’ resemblance to the human brain" in Marseille, France.

Clike here to see the abstrsct!

Mar 31 - Apr 1, 2023

Second Brain Research Cluster Symposium: NLP X Neurolinguistics

Research topics covered include:

• Media Neuroscience

• Cognitive Neuroscience

• Communication Neuroscience

• Neurolinguistics

• Electroencephalogram (EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) for social science research

Mar 25-28, 2023

The Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) 30th Annual Meeting

Dr. Li gave a poster presentation titled "Modeling multi-talker speech comprehension in normal and hearing-impaired listeners".

Mar 25, 2023

HK Tech 300

Our group won the best pitch of the HK Tech 300 (9th cohort)!

Jan 15, 2023

Roundtable Forum: Mechanisms of language processing in brains and machines

Roundtable forum topics: take ChatGPT as an example to explore the relationship between artificial neural language models and language processing in the human brain:

1. Does ChatGPT resemble human language processing?

2. Can neural language models help us understand how the brain processes language?

3. How can studies of language processing in the human brain help advance natural language processing models?

Find the seminar and registration details here.

Jan 8, 2023

NeuroAI Reading Seminar: Syntax and semantics in NLP models

This reading seminar will discuss two review articles about the syntactic and semantic abilities of deep learning language models. The outline of the seminar is as follows:

1. Syntax: long-distance agreement, nature vs nurture.

2. Reading: Syntactic structure from deep learning.

3. Semantics: Distributional Semantics, Compositional Semantics.

4. Reading: Semantic structure in deep learning.

5. Conclusion and discussion

Find the seminar and registration details here.

Dec 10-11, 2022

Neuroimaging Methods Workshop

This 2-day workshop covers various topics in analysing neuroimaging data, including fMRI, MEG, EEG and ECoG.

The goal of the workshop is to introduce neuroimaging concepts and practice analysis skills with hands-on tutorials.

Find the speakers details and tutorial titles here.

Detailed slides and recording videos, please see our "Seminar" workshop section.

Contact Information

Phone: (852) 34425596




Room LI-5459, Lift 5
Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong

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